The third edition of "Lab Dynamics" - the premier guide to management and leadership skills for scientists - available now!

Written by Carl M. Cohen, Ph.D., President of Science Management Associates, and Suzanne L. Cohen, Ed.D., a psychologist, every chapter in the third edition of Lab Dynamics has been revised or expanded.  The third edition, also contains two important new chapters:  

New Chapter 4

Some of the most important decisions we make involve selecting and hiring the members of our team. Yet despite the fact that our research success depends on the choices we make, most of us go about this process in an ad hoc manner, relying on “intuition” and “gut” feelings more than on data.

In the new Chapter 4 “Bring them on! Interviewing, Selecting and Hiring Scientists” you will learn to use a data-driven approach to hiring scientists. You will learn how to organize the selection process so that you get the data you need to make informed hiring decisions. The Chapter provides step by step guidance and editable (and downloadable) forms that you can use to evaluate and rank applicants.

New Chapter 6.

Scientists at all levels want and need to hear how they’re doing from their mentors, managers or leaders. Yet all too often feedback is minimal or absent, leaving scientists anxious or uncertain about their performance. The result can be impeded scientific progress. The new Chapter 6, “So, how am I doing? Setting goals, giving feedback and doing performance reviews,” gives a step by step guide to keeping scientists focused and motivated.

Order now: Lab Dynamics, third edition, can be ordered now through Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.  


Lab Dynamics: Management and Leadership Skills for Scientists, Third edition. Table of Contents.
